Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Mask

I chose this mask for inspiration because I think it is very mysterious and almost dangerous looking. I think it looks awesome. This mask is red and a small amout of yellow with many lines and texture which create a great sharpness and almost evil feeling of the mask.

I chose this mask because it is a German mask. I am German so I thought I would use a mask from my culture for some inspiration. The artist used light colors and lines to create a happy mask. I believe using this mask with the one above would make for an interesting mask creation.

I chose this mask because it is a German mask. I am German so I thought I would use a mask from my culture for some inspiration. This mask I feel is a combination of both masks above. It uses light colors but the eyes and mustache create an illusion of anger or evil like the first. The lines, texture and color of this mask create a very interesting and great mask.  

These are my sketches.

This is my final sketch. I tried to use some lighter colors to bring about the second mask. I used the colors in the eyes to try to bring anger and evil into the mask as well. The mustache and beard are also dark to convey anger and evil.

I feel my mask is not very good. I gound it difficult to create a mask. I couldn't really get excted doing it or even have interest in it.

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