Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Video Blog Week 13 and 14

The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art
                 Lowbrow originally meant pornography.  Pop culture, car culture, and folk art have both had major influences in Lowbrow. Some believe Lowbrow Surrealism is a more fitting term while others embrace Lowbrow.

                  Modern art in the MOMA from 1929 onwards was displayed primarily in chronological order, representing each art movement. Art is displayed on white walls with flexible lighting. By the 1970s, traditional ways of displaying modern art are questioned. Art came off the walls to become busy and noisy. Artists explore the political and ideological context of the museum itself.

Native Americans' bones were collected as a scientific curiosity during the U.S. genocide against Indians. Anthropologists differ on whether or not the remain should be returned to their ancestors.
By creating the first affordable, user-friendly camera George Eastman became the father of popular photography. The museum established at his home celebrates the contributions he and the company he founded have made to advance the art, science, and phenomenon of photography.
I bellieve these videos did help me alot in my project.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Week 11 Blog

Matisse and Picasso
1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
             I enjoy Picasso's work.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
              Matisse is deliberate, rational, and very French in the way he organized his thoughts. Picasso is a worker, impulsive, and immerses himself in his painting. In 1912, Picasso invents the first collage, and is at the forefront of cubism.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
            This video explains the concepts more and better.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
               I thought this film was very nice but again I enjoy Picasso's work so I am slightly bias.

Dada and Surrealism
1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
                I discussed these in my disscusion.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
               The Dada movement, born as a reaction to World War I, and its successor, Surrealism, opened new avenues for artistic creation by striving to bypass the reasoning process and tap directly into the unconscious mind. Hannah Höch, a Dadaist, uses art to attack the society she detests.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
               This video explains more history of Dada and Surrealism.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
            I did like this video. It was very interesting because I am also interested in Dada because before reading about it, I had never heard of it.

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
                I have never really heard of Expressionism and do not really understand it but it does sound interesting.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
               An outgrowth of Fauvism, Expressionism emphasized color's emotional properties while demonstrating far less concern than the Fauves had with the formal and structural composition of color.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
               This video creates a deeper and better meaning of the topic.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
               I thought this video was very interesting. It helped me to understand the topic better.

The Impact of Cubism
1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
            I find Cubism to be very strange so I thought I would try to understand it more.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
            Influenced by the works of Cézanne, African tribal art, and the art of the Iberian peninsula, Cubism—the most influential style of the early 20th century—offered European artists unfamiliar, nonclassical ways to represent form and space.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
                 This video explains cubism more and the history of it as well.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
          I liked this video because it helped me understand and like Cubism more.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Mask

I chose this mask for inspiration because I think it is very mysterious and almost dangerous looking. I think it looks awesome. This mask is red and a small amout of yellow with many lines and texture which create a great sharpness and almost evil feeling of the mask.

I chose this mask because it is a German mask. I am German so I thought I would use a mask from my culture for some inspiration. The artist used light colors and lines to create a happy mask. I believe using this mask with the one above would make for an interesting mask creation.

I chose this mask because it is a German mask. I am German so I thought I would use a mask from my culture for some inspiration. This mask I feel is a combination of both masks above. It uses light colors but the eyes and mustache create an illusion of anger or evil like the first. The lines, texture and color of this mask create a very interesting and great mask.  

These are my sketches.

This is my final sketch. I tried to use some lighter colors to bring about the second mask. I used the colors in the eyes to try to bring anger and evil into the mask as well. The mustache and beard are also dark to convey anger and evil.

I feel my mask is not very good. I gound it difficult to create a mask. I couldn't really get excted doing it or even have interest in it.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Islamic, African, Buddhism and Hinduism artistic cultures

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
                 I chose this video because I wanted to watch one video from each culture.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
                   A rock crystal ewer has much significance and history in the Islamic art collection. This ewer is very rare and precious. Surprisingly, the Islamic religion says very little about art. There is not much said about art in Islamic rituals.

3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
                This video goes into more depth of what is in the text. It explains as well as adds more information about the Islamic artistry culture.

4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
           I thought the film was very informative. It adds depth by giving more in depth and specific history of the Islamic culture.

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
          Again, I chose this video because I wanted to watch a video from a different culture.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
          The olest existing African art is found in drier climates. Paintings and carvings on stone typically represent animals. Humans are also represented through ancient rock art.

3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
          The readings in the text are given more of an explanation and add more history and culture in the video clip. More history about African art is also given.

4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
          I think the film is very informing. I really enjoyed this video, mainly the information about the rock art. This video clip adds more history and culture to the text.

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
            Again, I chose this video because I wanted to watch a video from a different culture.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
              The key to Buddhist teaching is "tanha," the extinguishing of all desires and all things that feed the ego and obstruct enlightenment. Within 100 years of Buddha's death, Buddhism spilt into two groups, "hinayana" and "mahanyana." The "hinayana" were also known as the monks.

3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
           The video clip gives more of a religious history than artistic history.

4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
         I found the video clip to be interesting. The video clip gave more insight to the religious history than the text did.

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
               Again, I chose this video because I wanted to watch a video from a different culture.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
               Varanasi is India's holiest city. This is where the River Ganges' is located. the River Ganges is the symbol of life, death and rebirth. Hinduism's gods and goddesses function in a way similar to Christian saints by providing access to Brahma/God. Hindu architecture is lush with decorative sculptures of many gods. Cremation in Varanasi on the Ganges is assurance of direct access to heaven.
3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
                This video clip explains some difference between the Catholic and Hindduism religions. It focuses on the Hidduism religion and it's affects on the Hinduism artistic culture.

4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
            This video clip was ok. I was not very interested in it though. This clip added depth by adding more religious history and culture and how it relates to the artistic culture and history.